Hurl's Treehouse


Loving the Swamp

Anyone who has visited the Central Valley in the summer understands the heat. Intense and often in excess of 100 degrees, the daytime temps can manhandle you. Some may object,...


Winning State (part 2)

In 1997, Wheeling High School won the State Title in Congressional Debate for the first time since the program began in 1985. That’s the headline that garnered the attention in...


Winning State (part 1)

At the top of the stairs in the Collin College building where I teach, there are side by side water bottle filling devices, the one on the right slightly taller...

A Duck, a Watch, a Nickel, and a Rock 4

A Duck, a Watch, a Nickel, and a Rock

In literature, we call them symbols. There’s the green light at the end of the dock in Great Gatsby. Or what the three harpooners represent in Moby-Dick or the Mississippi...


One Question

(For my dad and Harold and all the others). On Veteran’s Day, I remember. Growing up, and later when I visited home from Chicago, I probed my dad for details...


Writing a Blog Post: A Timeline

11:02 a.m. Mindset is key. Choose the appropriate setting. I have trouble writing at home because there are too many distractions. When his parents sent him to his room for...


For the Love of Art

To say I’m no expert on art is akin to saying I’m no heart surgeon. In other words…Duh. I took an art class at Merced College and remember not a...