Five Things I Don’t Like

I’m the outlier, the alien invader (reminds me of Space Invaders, the first video game I played, beginning a transition from pinball to arcade games). I’m the salmon swimming upstream, the goose flying north when the others are going south for the winter.

With no further delay, here we go!

Art, yes. The aroma, yes. A beverage? No.
Photo by Nolan Issac

1. I don’t drink coffee. Somewhere along the line, I missed the memo to grow up. Adult beverages have eluded me. All those coffee mugs and clever signs and coasters, even t-shirts mean nothing to me. When I was very young, I drank coffee, but I lost the palate for it. Melanie was my ally for a while but she passed me by somewhere in her thirties. At church, there’s a coffee pot on every table, in every room, at every event. Coffee joints proliferate, but I’m not feeling the Java Jive. Instead I remain a coffee orphan, choosing instead water or juice or (if I get really crazy), hot chocolate. I’ve never needed a caffeine fix, which leads to numero dos.

2*. I don’t sleep past 9:00 a.m. This one comes with an asterisk because it’s as much “can’t” as “don’t.” Younger Hurls had no problem sleeping to 11 or even noon, circadian rhythms being a real thing. I took early college classes to have the rest of my day. I boasted about being a “professional napper.” I spent three decades rising before the sun and wishing I could sleep in. Call it a cruel irony, the rhythm has flipped. Now retired, if I make it to 7 a.m. it’s a good night. 8 is an outlier, 9 a fantasy. Someday, I’ll experience the “big sleep” and find eternal rest.

My lame attempt at liking “seafood.”

3. I don’t eat seafood. This is heresy in the South as crawfish is king and catfish is royalty. It’s also a minority position in California, home to all manner of fresh catch of the day. I like tuna from a can (especially with Miracle Whip). Does that count? I ate trout growing up, but mostly because I caught them at Lake Yosemite. Even then, I slathered the filets in lemon and butter and held my nose. I know, I know, seafood is superfood; it lowers your cholesterol, increases energy, and keeps you from being struck by meteors. What can I say, I live on the edge (except for #5). To anyone who says, “Take a bite. It doesn’t taste like fish”–liar, liar, pants on fire. Besides, why eat fish when there is turkey?

4. I don’t want a pet. Maybe this one will change over time, but I doubt it. I know a LOT of people who want assurance that their dog will join them in Heaven. (Weird, I’ve never heard someone say, “I hope my dog joins me in Hell.” I digress.) I see hordes of folks walking their dogs in searing heat or very cold (we don’t have bitter cold here in Texas), late nights or early mornings. Last week, I even saw a dude with his cat on a leash (is that a thing?). No thanks, I say, to scooping and bagging pet waste. Or pet hair all over my clothing. Or enormous vet bills. I could cite my allergy to cats. Truth is, I never liked cats before I became allergic. Social media is populated with cute pics of dogs and adorable cat videos. I’ll probably take some hits on this one, but I’ve had two pets in my life, and I’m perfectly content being petless.

5. I don’t like roller coasters. Giant Dipper in Santa Cruz, Magic Mountain, Six Flags, Disney, Knott’s Berry Farm–done them all. I don’t share the need, the need for speed. I’m not afraid. Truly. I trust the engineers who built the track and the maintenance of the structure. Maybe it’s the inevitable wait in line. Maybe it’s the inner ear issues when I try to sleep later or urping up the overpriced hot dog I ate for lunch (if I pay that much for a dog, I want to keep it). I didn’t even like merry-go-rounds when I was a kid. I was neither born to be wild nor have I learned the trait.

I suppose this looks fun to some. I’ll pass.

There you have it, a quick glimpse into my psyche. Those aren’t the most important or controversial, but those are my “I don’ts.”

How about you?

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12 Responses

  1. Christina says:

    This was so entertaining to read, Mr. H! You’re such an effortlessly conversational writer!

    I also don’t drink—not for some moral code, but simply because I haven’t tried anything I like besides water, Propel, and if I’m feeling WILD, diet raspberry Snapple.

    Now for my “don’t” I know we *don’t* share—chocolate. I hate how it smells, tastes, melts, and ruins everything it’s in. I was a very fun trick-or-treating companion because I’d trade all my chocolate for the Smarties and Laffy Taffys other kids disliked…

  2. Maureen M Hurley says:

    I’m with you on #2 (the getting up early part) and #4. #4 is interesting because so many people live for their pets. And maybe they have a point but I can’t do the clean up with animals. It’s too much to pick up their stuff on the lawn with a flimsy plastic bag, and worse to see that same pet sitting naked on your couch. I just can’t do it. Then there’s the odors and hairs and noises and blah blah. As far as #5 goes, my inner ear gel or whatever it’s called is no longer soft which means rides make me nauseated. Lots of Good stuff Brubber!

  3. Pat Hurley says:

    I LOVE tilapia fish in butter! Wake up every morning at 4:00 am. Hate the Wild Mouse. Nooo interest in a pet and my pre-ulcer cannot handle coffee!

  4. Bill says:

    We could be brothers although I’ve never used the word circadian; however circumcision finds its way to my vocabulary when eating an under stuffed burrito and peeling off the top portion is necessary.

    Roller coasters are my thing including said mentioned “Big Dipper” when I was younger, but it’s a pretty rough ride as it was designed in the 1930’s.

    We have a dog, I don’t indulge in the hair raising, poop scooping or lap petting. Ever.

    Booze, never. Joint, never. Coffee, never but we did the math, Samantha spent over $2,000 last year.

    Hoping to hear about $0.25 bounty on Blue Jays, summer trips to Santa Cruz, grabbing the brass ring And showing off the athletic prowess towards the clown, and of course a Ted Lilly reference.

    • Hurls says:

      That’s a big wish list, but I’ll work on it. Good to hear you’re in line with most of my dictums. See if you can work in “circadian” in future conversations. Not “circumcision” or “”cicada,” just to be clear.

  5. Melanie Hurley says:

    DUDE. Coffee is magical 😜

    • Hurls says:

      I know, I know. You’ve been infected with the Java Virus. Maybe before I die, I’ll become an adult like you. Maybe I can even get a t-shirt and plaque.

      • Melanie Hurley says:

        You should try it. It opens up a whole new world. Coffee emojis, coffee GIFs. VERY exciting. And then there’s the whole world of finding the perfect creamer. What did I even do before coffee?

  6. James P Hurley says:

    Not sure how this story got by me. Kare like Mellie is a world class coffee drinker. I like a single cup, acquired the taste.
    I enjoyed the no longer sleeping in and not a huge fish person and yes, tuna counts. Ill be having tuna sammich on Friday because I’m a creature of habit and don’t do fish sticks anymore.
    Growing up and into my early adulthood I was a dog person. Still love them but have really come to love cats. I love them for what they are and what they aren’t. Dogs run to you and wag and are always excited to see ya. Cats? Hmm…it’s more like how may I ignore you?
    Fun read bro.

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