Author: Hurls


For the Love of Art

To say I’m no expert on art is akin to saying I’m no heart surgeon. In other words…Duh. I took an art class at Merced College and remember not a...


Thanks A Lot, Mike Gallego

I’ve always been a big baseball fan, going back to 1968 when the A’s moved from Kansas City to their new home in Oakland. They sported the same colors (green...


The Big Red Book

There are well over 2300 days of school between your first day of kindergarten and graduation from high school. This doesn’t take into account if you attended pre-school and any...


Transformational Grammar

Most people have one of two reactions to that second word in the title. Either they yawn in anticipation of total boredom, or they sigh in abject defeat to an...


Mr. Miyagi and Me

In high school, I wasn’t allowed to work. “You take care of the grades, and I’ll pay the freight,” my dad told me. So it went. Working for a livin’...


The Hook, the Rack, and Strong Verbs

You gotta hand it to the Ancients. They knew little about medicine, but they made up for it with ingenuous torture devices. And the names! The Brazen Bull. Chappy Chopper,...


The Voices in My Head

No, I’m not crazy. At least not any crazier than before. I’m not describing malevolent, audible commands, like Son of Sam. These are my memory loops stored over six decades....