About Me

25 years in California. 35 years in Illinois. Now, 3 years in Texas. High school English teacher and Debate Coach for 3+ decades, current college Speech instructor. I love sports, movies, a few TV shows, reading, golf, and communication. I REALLY love my family and Jesus. Especially Jesus.

I grew up in Atwater, California, a small town in the heart of the Central Valley. My dad retired from the Air Force when I was eight, but I never lost my love and respect for the military. My life revolved around Castle Air Base–Officer’s Club pool, theater, groceries, haircuts–everything was on base.

Ever hear a B-52 a few hundred feet above right before a touch and go? Deafening power and awe.
So young, so ignorant, so much life before them.

I met my bride in 1979. She immediately and vocally hated me, but that’s a story for another day. We married in ’82 and I earned a bachelor’s degree in Speech and a teaching credential three years later. We spent five fantastic years in Orange County, figuring out life on a shoestring budget. Unable to find a job in CA, we were off to Illinois (another long story) for the next chapter.

I settled at Wheeling High School, what was supposed to be a one year gig for a woman on maternity leave. For some reason they kept me. A year turned into another year and another. Coupled with Debate and eventually teaching AP Lit (now, that’s a good story!), I just never left WHS. After 33 years on the job, I finally retired in 2018. Along the way, we raised three fantastic kids, my debaters won ten IL State titles and I made a lot of great friends. Oh yeah, I invested a few decades in high school ministry.

It’s not all about the awards, but…As long as they give them out, why not win and take some home?
I’ll never forget the first time I saw this sign.
Or the last time.

We’ve come a long way in the past 40 years.

Now, I live in Texas because it’s way warmer than the Midwest and the BBQ is better (though the pizza and Mexican food are lacking). I teach some communication classes at Collin College and write in my spare time. Still married 41 years later. Still happy. If memories make us rich, I’m one wealthy dude.